Both of my classes were canceled today, and I'm bummed. Back in the day, if I had been handed a free day, it would have felt like a "get-out-of-jail-free" card. Even with the classes I actually liked, any reason to skip was a good reason.
But, all that seems to have changed. Apparently, my nerdiness is worse than I thought. What would the 20 year old me think? She would be sorely disappointed. I have turned into that which I feared most. A serious student.
But, it gets worse. The real reason I'm disappointed about missing class is because my Nonfiction Prose professor had asked me to share an essay I wrote last week with the whole class. He liked it so much, and thought it was so good that he wanted everyone else to hear it as an example of "strong voice, humor and wit." He had scrawled on the bottom of the last page, "Get this published, NOW!!"
Now, I'm the first to admit that I was shocked by his strong opinion of my work. I'm a fiction writer. What do I know of writing nonfiction? I took this class because I was, in my estimation, an amateur at this whole truth thing. Outside of some record reviews I did years ago, my life has been all about ficition. My inner nerd jumped at the chance to get a pat on the head, stand in front of the class and be hated by my fellow students as the teacher's pet. I have never in my life been the teacher's pet. I'm more of the smart-ass-in-the-back kind of girl. None of my former professors liked me all that much. To have one take a shine to me so quickly is a little disconcerting.
But, now I will have to wait until next week to share my story and get my gold star. What is a nerd to do?