All year long, I strove for that elusive 100%. Knowing it is a near impossibility, I kept fighting for it. But, alas, it was not to be. My portfolio grade was. . . .99%. That's right. 99%. I have to say, that is still a first for me. Near perfection turns out to be a pretty good substitute. As someone wise once said, "Perfection is the realm of the creator." So, instead of pouring over my portfolio for the 1% it lacked, I will graciously accept my 99%, knowing that it is in the flaws that the true beauty lies.
I will truly miss going to class every week. I learned a lot. When the professor told me today that I was a great writer, I couldn't help but look away and blush. Why is it that compliments are so hard to accept? Maybe someone should teach a class on that. I'd take it.
Congrats Heidi! Umm, yeah, 99% ain't nothing to sneeze at. (Bet your professor would love that sentence)
And I think there are a lot of professors that don't give 100s on principle. Be proud.(It's okay)
Heidi the teacher’s pet huh? I didn’t see that one coming when we were dating in college.
As usual this is good work out of you baby. Now if I can just figure out how to hang a three ring binder on the refrigerator…
Thanks, Erobintica. I am very proud.
And, thank you baby. Maybe we should just put the binder by the fridge. You can read it at your leisure.
You're a great writer! You should be very proud. I'm proud of you!
Big Congratulations!
Thank Neve. I'm blushing again. ;)
Congrats, Heidi! Very cool!
Congrats also on your completion of your semester.
Thanks Emerald. ;)
I appreciate it.
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