I have always been a bit accident prone. A genuine klutz, a bit clumsy. After all, I am the girl who broke her leg essentially walking. But, it is more than that. I can't carry two drinks without spilling one of them. I can't eat without spilling something on myself. I trip over invisible things; bumps and lumps in my path that aren't really there. I once fell in a parking lot, because it was too much for my body to walk and talk on a cell phone. That is why when I drive, I don't do anything else. It would be too dangerous.
I blame my incessant need to multi-task. Maybe if I wasn't talking and gesturing while I eat, I wouldn't spill something. Maybe if I wasn't doing dishes and filling ice cube trays, I wouldn't drop a glass. And, maybe if I wasn't trying to write a story, an email and sing along to a song, I wouldn't have so many damned typos. Thank God for spell check. It is the clumsy writer's best friend.
I hope everyone had a lovely Labor Day weekend. Now, back to work!!
I'm so clumsy, I fell over and broke my ribs one time when I was running!
Spell check is definitely a blessing. Sanity check would be even better :D
Thanks, Kirsten. I'm fond of that story myself ;)
It's nice to know I have so many clumsy friends out there.
Kathryn, I was so looking forward to a Crows/Cats QF. Oh well, there's always the Grand Final!
What you need is a sexy AFL footballer to follow you around and catch you when you stumble, see?
But he can't be a Hawthorn Hawk; he'll be busy since they advanced to the next round. ;-)
All the best to the Cats this weekend!
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