After a wonderful lunch with DeDe, Craig and Jeremy, I headed to the Mothership for a visit and a dye job. It was a great time and a great way to unwind. I even got to enjoy some very belated birthday cake.
Now, it's back to the grind and trying to finish up a few things before NaNoWriMo kicks off tomorrow. I'm hoping I can finish my 50k in 30 days, but I'm just not sure. Other things always seem to get in the way, but I'll give it my best shot.
In good news news, Model Men edited by Neil Plakcy is now available. Follow this link to pick it up. It features my story, Sweet Charity and I can't wait to get my hands on my copy. Also, we are less than a week from the release of my novella, The Right Wrong Turn. Check out the info about the book right here. And, make sure you pick up a copy next Sunday. Hell, buy two! They make great e-gifts!!
Now, back to work after I sit for a moment and ogle some Man Candy. He's really nice.