I used to make fun of people who would say things like, "My leg is killing me, it's going to rain." But, alas, I have become one of those people. I broke my leg in September of 2007. It was my first broken bone, and I have to say it sucked really bad. The fact that I walked almost two miles on my broken leg didn't help much. That day taught me two things. One: never hike alone. And, two: don't fall while hiking.
When I got the cast off, I thought I'd bounce right back. But, I was still limping a month later. After a while, the limp cleared up and I thought I was fine. But, then, out of no where, it happened. This mysterious, dull, aching pain in my leg. A few hours later, I'll be damned if it didn't rain. I thought it was a fluke, but it kept happening. Like some kind of bizarre bone barometer, my leg acts up every time the weather changes.
So, that's me. I can tell you, my leg is killing me right now. Take that for what you will. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I broke my right wrist last summer - first broken bone. When the cast came off I thought the same - but it took quite awhile - for me (at my advanced age) almost a year before it really felt "normal" but it probably will never quite feel normal. I've not paid too much attention to it predicting weather. But it is raining today.
uh oh. welcome to the club of bodily barometers. my wrist does that. turns out driving into a tree is not a good idea. fortunately my passenger only sprained her thumb -- and, to the best of my knowledge, her thumb did not begin to predict the weather at that point...
Hey, Anonymous. I think I know you. I was in that car, and no the whole tree thing was not a good idea. Your arm, my leg. Together, we are unstoppable. ;)
awesome. we love to hate AND we know when it's going to rain. we are unstoppable, indeed. ;)
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