While I'm whiling away the hours in Maine, getting some much needed away time, Jeremy Edwards was kind enough to send me an email to alert me to the fact that my story, Spend or Save, is up on The Erotic Woman right now. I had managed to avoid my computer for a while, but I decided to see what the world was up to. Thank you Jeremy, very much for the heads up. I can't wait to see him and the whole gang next week.
Let me know what you think. I really enjoyed this story.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So, Goodbye For A While, I'm Off To Explore

It's time for a break. Too much stress and too much going on right now. So, I'm going to Maine for a little down time, a little quiet time. Be back soon. I might even just find the time for a blog post or two. We'll see. Here's to a good trip and a little peace. Hopefully when I get back, I'll have some good news to report.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Got No Patience to Search for Peace of Mind

Where are my manners? Once again I am late to the Man Candy party. It was a long weekend. I got distracted, the time got away from me. That sounds like enough excuses, doesn't it?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I Feel The Pain of Everyone, Then I Feel Nothing

I used to make fun of people who would say things like, "My leg is killing me, it's going to rain." But, alas, I have become one of those people. I broke my leg in September of 2007. It was my first broken bone, and I have to say it sucked really bad. The fact that I walked almost two miles on my broken leg didn't help much. That day taught me two things. One: never hike alone. And, two: don't fall while hiking.
When I got the cast off, I thought I'd bounce right back. But, I was still limping a month later. After a while, the limp cleared up and I thought I was fine. But, then, out of no where, it happened. This mysterious, dull, aching pain in my leg. A few hours later, I'll be damned if it didn't rain. I thought it was a fluke, but it kept happening. Like some kind of bizarre bone barometer, my leg acts up every time the weather changes.
So, that's me. I can tell you, my leg is killing me right now. Take that for what you will. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Monday, July 20, 2009
If It Doesn't Work Like This, Well I'll Try Another Way

At the start of this new week, I'm feeling slightly more optimistic. The stories are starting to flow, the ideas are coming faster than I can keep up with them. The one thing I am sorely lacking in my life right now is discipline. And, I'm not talking about the fun kind of discipline either.
I'm thinking that I need a bit more structure in my life. While my procrastination is widely known, it is starting to get a bit tedious. I need someone to tell me what to do, to keep me on track and keep the distractions at bay. Maybe I should start taking applications for a task-master. I can see it now.
WANTED: a person who is highly organized, punctual and orderly to keep my slacker ass in line. Must be impervious to excuses and bullshit. Ability to withstand lots of shenanigans a plus. The meek need not apply.
WANTED: a person who is highly organized, punctual and orderly to keep my slacker ass in line. Must be impervious to excuses and bullshit. Ability to withstand lots of shenanigans a plus. The meek need not apply.
So, the question is, who can help me? Maybe I need someone like my Man Candy man to help me. He looks up to the job, doesn't he?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Serves Her Right, Not Knowing Just Exactly What She Wants

My mind has been on such a wander, I almost hate to bring it back to the tasks at hand. My inspiration has been showing up late at night, planting little seeds of ideas while I'm ready to drift off to dreamland. There are so many things I'm trying to sort out. My stories are in danger of getting all mixed up. As it is, there is a bottleneck forming at the front of the line.
Very soon, I'll be traveling to the tranquil pastures of Maine to see my in-laws and give my mother a much needed mini-vacation. Until then, my brain is on full blast, even at this late hour. As soon as my Cats finish vanquishing the Melbourne Demons, I'm going to bed. I've got a weekend to prepare for.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Letting Off Steam, I Float In A Dream

Too tired to write. Just going to have some Man Candy and go back to bed. The weekend took a lot out of me. Two year old children can be very demanding. But, it was worth it. And, I've decided that my next house will have a pool. And, a pool boy like this one to go with it.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Going Round and Round and Round and Round

I've felt so disconnected from the blog lately, I sometimes wonder what I'm even doing with it. It's not that don't have things to say, things I want to talk about. But, I guess I'm feeling a little ambivalent about it lately. Does anyone read it? Does anyone care? Am I just shouting into the void over here? I'm just not sure.
You'll have to forgive me, I'm just rambling. It's time to go to bed and reboot. Maybe this will all make more sense tomorrow. It can't get much more jumbled up. Have a good weekend.
Monday, July 6, 2009
I Just Run Headlong To Defeat

It was kind of a boring weekend. Sleep deprivation, fireworks avoidance, and grilled food. Typical Fourth of July stuff for me.
That is why my Man Candy is so late. I needed a good sleep-in this morning to recoup. Now, it's back to work. Back to those stories that I took a short break from this weekend.
Friday, July 3, 2009
From Every Mountain Side, Let Freedom Ring
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Right In Front Of My Face, My Feeling's Can't Describe It

Seriously, I've been stalking this photo for damn near two years. I was beginning to wonder if he ever took off his shirt. Leave it to Rupert Murdoch and his newspaper, The Herald Sun to do me the biggest solid ever. That's right. Jimmy Bartel. Without a shirt. Completely. I don't know what he was so afraid of. He's downright yummy, just like I knew he would be.
But, is it me, or could they have given me the shot of the Speedo too. I mean, come on. You're right there with a camera and the guy's not wearing any clothes. Help a sister (and the brothers too) out. Well, I guess I'll have to wait another two years for that one. Damn!
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