She probably doesn't know this, but Alison Tyler was my first. No, she was not my high school boyfriend who de-flowered me in a cheap motel. Alison Tyler was the first person to tell me they wanted to publish my stories. I had taken a chance, finally put my work out there and she sent the email that changed my life. Everything that has happened since then is because of her and that email. I still remember how it felt to read it. Hell, I still have it tucked away in folder. So, why am I mentioning this? Two reasons. One, she's awesome. And, two . . .
Because, it is Alison Tyler's birthday. Maybe not exactly today, but sometime within the month of June. What better way to honor the wonderful writer, editor and blogger who we have so much fun with, then with a blog-tastic birthday surprise? All over the blogosphere today, there are birthday wishes for one fabulous Trollop. If you try really hard, you just might find them all.
Because, it is Alison Tyler's birthday. Maybe not exactly today, but sometime within the month of June. What better way to honor the wonderful writer, editor and blogger who we have so much fun with, then with a blog-tastic birthday surprise? All over the blogosphere today, there are birthday wishes for one fabulous Trollop. If you try really hard, you just might find them all.
It has been wonderful working with her, getting to know her and doing what she tells me to do. I'm honored to grace the pages of her anthologies, and appear on her many, many blogs. She is kind, generous and makes me laugh constantly. Plus, she's dirty as all hell. I like that!
So, here's to you Alison. Happy Birthday!! Don't forget to collect those birthday spanks, with a few extra thrown in for good measure. I didn't have time to get you a gift, but please go right here, for the best song ever about a classic birthday tradition.
(I was trying to find a picture of cake. But, I think we can all agree this is better)
Oh, Heidi! Thank you so much!!
Your welcome Alison.
Happy Birthday!!
P.S. I was really impressed by your words from the start. You reached out and grabbed me right away...
Thank you so much Alison. Coming from you, that is quite a compliment!
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