It's the first Man Candy of the year, so I wanted it to be lovely. And, I think it is. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is ready to take 2012 by the scruff of the neck and shake it into submission. I know I am.
Before I can do that, there are a few loose ends I need to tie up from 2011. First, One Night Only, edited by the fabulous Violet Blue is available now!! It features my story, Chasing Jared and looks to be a super-hot book. Check it out if you get the chance.
Also, I found out on the last day of the year that my novella, The Right Wrong Turn, has been nominated in the Best Western/Cowboy story category of the Love Romances Cafe Best of 2011 awards. I'll give out more info. about the whole thing as I get it, but needless to say, I was chuffed.
I finished my edits and blurbs for my next project, Picking Up The Spare, which drops on January 29th. So, now I'm ready to move on to my next project. I'm so ready for a fresh, new start and an awesome start to 2012.
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