Man, it's too fucking cold outside. My fingers are constantly cold, the tips like little drops of ice. My low blood pressure does me no favors this time of year as my circulation slows to a halt. All the Snuggies in the world couldn't keep me warm, I fear. That is why I'm thinking warm. I've been dreaming of summer while putting the finishing touches on my latest WIP. Well, I guess it's really no longer a WIP as it is finished. I'll have more details for you soon. Now I'm onto a few short stories before I tackle my next project.
To help me heat things up, I decided on a little extra spicy Man Candy. Don't you know, I feel warmer already.
For what it's worth, it's about 9.30pm here in Brisbane, and the temperature is around 75-80 degrees. It's so warm I have a fan blowing me...
I just got done shoveling snow. I hate you, Willsin. ;)
That's all right. Karma got me on your behalf. Back to school today and it rained like a motherhumpin' onanist... That'll learn me...
Oh good. So the weather I sent got there okay. With the postal system, you just never know. ;)
I'm sure that your weather will improve much faster than mine, though. So, I shall continue to be jealous.
I made you sumpin'...
Thanks for the video, Willsin.
I didn't mean to send so much rain. My bad. If it makes you feel any better, it's raining here too. The snow looks so sad and melty now.
And, on an unrelated point, I have to move to Australia at some point, just so I can hear people say my name the way you do everyday. It's awesome!!
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