It has been a very busy week. It started with a wonderful trip to Baltimore on Sunday to see the lovely Kristina Wright read from her book, Dream Lover. Also there was the fabulous Emerald, who I hadn't seen if forever. After the reading, we enjoyed a delicious dinner and along with my husband, Anthony and Kristina's friend Nick, we had quite a lovely time.
After that, it was back to work on my current work in progress. It is another novella, and it has been giving me fits. In my head, it is going so smoothly, but as soon as I sit down to put the words on the blank computer page in front of me, something gets lost in the translation. I keep working on it, but I'm just not sure how it's all going to turn out. I'll keep you posted.
My house is a mess. That is another side effect of all this typing. I keep meaning to get to it, but there is always something else vying for my attention. Just another thing that keeps sliding down my to-do list. Oh well, at least I'm the only one, besides my husband, who usually has to see it in this condition.
But, the vacuuming will just have to take a backseat to my characters for a little while longer. What can I say? You have to have priorities!
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