Luke Garrett, come on down!! You're the winner of a free copy of Black Fire. Thank you to everyone who sent in their entry for my contest. I wish I had more copies to give away, but alas, I do not. So, Luke, shoot me an email with your snail mail info and I'll send the book right out.
In more book news, Sex at Work is now available and features my story, Needled. It is right along side stories from such awesome authors like Rachel Kramer Bussel, Jeremy Edwards, Justine Elyot, K D Grace, Kay Jaybee, Sommer Marsden, and Charlotte Stein
I hope you all had a nice weekend, I know I did. Spending time at the Mothership always feels good. Got a haircut, finally saw my cousin after having to reschedule three times and spent time with my niece. Her pre-school teachers think she's too quiet. They should hang out with us for an hour and they'd have an entirely different picture! I'm ready to get back to work this week, hopefully with a little extra peace and quiet to go along with it.
It's almost time for the AFL season to start. Welcome to the league, David Swallow. (yes, that is his real name!) Man Candy may as well have been invented for that very reason. Game on!
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