As I write this, I am a mere twenty minutes from the official start of my birthday. At 2:14 am, September 15th, 34 years ago, I came screaming into the world, almost in the back on my grandfather's Cadillac. My mother's desire to wait for my father to return home from his late shift at work nearly ruined a perfectly wonderful backseat of a very nice car. But, luckily, they made it to the hospital with about 15 minutes to spare, and thus depriving me of a kick-ass story to tell friends and future children about the day I was born.
Despite my typical and humble beginnings, I'm pretty happy with how my story has turned out so far. I'm trying not to get hung up on the number staring back at me from glowing birthday cake, but all the wonderful things I've done with those 34 years. I'm thankful for so many things, not the least of which is writing this blog and sharing my life and work with wonderful and far-flung friends. I'm grateful to have an amazing partner by my side through it all, and an incredible family who is supportive and loving while being completely and absolutely bonkers at the same time!! So, as I lay my head down to rest this morning, I will say a prayer of thanks for all the wonderful gifts in my life and hope that this coming year provides me with more chances to say AWESOME, rather than DAMN IT, more opportunities to grow and more wisdom to go along with all my new gray hairs. And, if it's not too much trouble, I want that cake!!
If you are feeling like you need to get me a gift, why not buy yourself one instead? Perhaps I can interest you in some fresh off the presses porn!! Torquere Press is now selling the three-story e-book called Toy Box: Public Places, which contains my story, The Touch of Nostalgia. What better way to celebrate my birthday than with smut!
Happy birthday baby. I love you more than words, or a blog comment, could ever say!
HBD, HC! I hope a fun and festive day is currently in progress.
Thanks, baby. I love you too.
Thanks, Jeremy. I did indeed have a wonderful day!
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