We interrupt this regular broadcast to report some wonderful news. The lovely Shanna Germain and her wonderful imprint, Mind Fuck Fiction, have seen fit to include my story, Happy Birthday to Me, in her newest collection, Eat Me: Seven Stories of Gluttony. It is available now and also includes such fabulous writers like Dorla Moorehouse, Gina Marie, Erobintica, Daisy James, Connor Wright and Kaysee Renee Robichaud. Great company, no? So check it out and let me hear what you think. Now, back to regular programming, already in progress.
I have to say that I was ridiculously excited when I read the proof copy and saw your story in there. I was like - "What? I am in an anthology with Heidi Champa???? Who is AWESOME. I am not worthy! This is so cool!" (My inner editor gets starstruck easily, I guess. LOL)
Dorla, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I don't even know what to say to that!!! No need to be starstruck, I assure you. And, you are most certainly worthy. :)
It's an amazing collection and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. By the way Dorla, did I say Thank You??!!
Congrats! What a great line up!
Thanks Craig. You should check it out, I think you'd really like it!
Ditto to what Dorla said. I'm thrilled to be in this anthology!
Funny thing is, I haven't read any of the other stories yet. I was waiting to read them in my contributor's copy - isn't that silly? I'm gonna treat myself to something delicious (both of the chocolate and also inebriating food groups, glutton that I am) and sit down for a read.
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