So, I'm back to class today. My spring break was hardly a wild party, although I did get my karaoke on. But, mostly, I got a lot of work done. A few things sent, a few things accepted. When I know more, so will you.
I even managed to get all my homework done. It was a really cool assignment. I was supposed to approach a family member and have them write up a summary of an event we were both a part of. Then, I was supposed to write up my own account of the event. I chose my cousin, not only because I knew I would be seeing her, but also because we've been through a million things together. I chose an auto accident we went through when we were in high school. I was curious to see how our accounts would differ, and how she dealt with it. She was more injured than I, but her account was just as vivid in its own way.
It has been difficult, with my nonfiction assignments, digging into my life. But, it has been so worth it. I love the departure from erotica, and I'm finding myself more inspired to write, in general. Who knew school could be so much fun? I wish someone would have told me before.
The funny thing is, if you had picked me it wouldn’t have worked. We’ve told the stories of our lives together so often that they are synced. Kind of like Marshall and Lilly.
Now, bring home another A+ so we can hang it on the fridge.
Will do.
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