Welcome to 2009. So far, so good, I think. I went home to my mother's for our traditional Pork and Sauerkraut extravaganza. It was fun, acting silly with 3/4ths of my brothers and sisters plus my aunt and her family. It is a tradition we employ for good luck, so we'll see how it works.
I hope everyone has survived their champagne soaked fun and had a wonderful time kissing at midnight. I just wish it hadn't been so damned cold. But, I survived and didn't even wake up with a headache.
If you are sober enough to be online at the moment, why don't you run over to The Erotic Woman and check out my story, Kiss the Bride, which is currently featured there. I hope you enjoy it.
I'm glad that even though your story happened in Vegas, it didn't stay in Vegas—otherwise we couldn't have read it!
Thanks Jeremy!!!!
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