I trust everyone had a wonderful holiday. I know I did. Ate too much, got some nice presents and got to spend time with the loved ones. I was extremely lazy, which was lovely. Now, I'm trying to hash out the New Year's Eve plans, and trying not to think about all the things I want to resolve to do next year.
It's hard not to look too far ahead. The future always seems so bright and tantalizing with promise. And, compared to the here and now, well, there really is no comparing it to the here and now. I feel like I'm always reaching, waiting, hoping for the next thing. Waiting to get back to the places I want to go, waiting to see what will happen around the next turn. Hoping each time that the next leap will be the leap home. (Sorry, couldn't resist a little Quantum Leap homage.)
But, I always feel like I'm missing now. Even right now, I'm not thinking about now. I'm thinking about tomorrow. I'm never in the moment, never present. Soon, I'll be posting about the past, about the last year of my life. This moment, like the rest, is fleeting. With each key stroke, a new moment passes. How do I stop? How can you hold onto a moment without missing the next one?
Sorry to be so heavy so early in the morning. Just scroll back up and look at your Man Candy. It is Monday, after all.
This strikes me as quite an insightful observation, Ms. Heidi. I do spiritual/consciousness/inner Work on myself, and one of the fundamental premises is that our ego/personality tries to avoid the now. If I were to offer one single immediate thing in response to your appeal (which I guess I'm going to because here it is), it would be to take a deep breath. Really pay attention to your breathing/breathe consciously. It is one of the most immediate things we can do to bring our attention to the Present.
Hugs, and have a beautiful now! :)
I will have to try that. Thanks for the advice. It sounds so simple, but how often do any of us really do it?
Hugs right back, right now.
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