Now that I am back to reality, it is back to the business at hand. A few contracts are signed and more stories are flying through the internet's series of tubes, on their way to various editors. I am more excited than ever about all that is happening for me. But, it has created one little issue. I have to write more stuff! High class problem, to be sure.
Even though a lot of positive stuff happened while I was away, I didn't write nearly as much as I would have liked while in Australia. Too much other stuff to do. Shocking, I know. I'm home now, missing Oz like crazy and wishing I was back there. Maybe I will be someday (for a lot longer than a couple weeks) but for now I'm stuck here in sweltering PA. Despite the heat, I've been very productive. Stories seem to keep bubbling up to the surface, faster than I can get the ideas down on the old laptop.
So, hopefully the good news will keep rolling in. How is everyone else doing? Drop me a line and let me know.